Thursday, October 19, 2006

What is this thing you call ... blog?

I've succumb to the pressure at last. Yes, after years of avowing to never, ever post my inane thoughts for all the world to see — I now have a blog.

Now, I'm some neophyte suckered in by the notion that you, the reader, will enjoy my personal journal. OK, really, I just figured this would be the best method for people to keep tabs on me when I leave my home of Columbia, Missouri, for our nation's capital.

So, in the coming weeks I'll occasionally post entries on the process of moving to and living in Washington, D.C. I'm not guaranteeing anything great; rather, I'm just going to vent my exuberance or dismay when necessary.

As an aside, now Ken Sweet and me can duel it out for the honeor of "Most Pompous Blog." Somehow, I have a feeling this is going to be a losing battle.

1 comment:

Ken said...

No amount of political power, large marble statues or over-exuberant collegiate interns can out the pompousness of Hong Kong or Hong Kong Ken.

Congrats on the blog, you'll be added to my links. Consider that a token win for me, because I am legitimizing your existence here on the web.

You exist, because I made you exist.